How to install WinCache Extension for PHP from command line?

You may like to install WinCache Extension for PHP, but you always get a message "PHPPATH property must be set to the directory where PHP resides.". You cannot set this variable as environment variable. You need to provide it to the MSI file as variable. Additionally they integrated another license nag screen that will be skipped with IACCEPTWINDOWSCACHEFORPHPLICENSETERMS. Make sure the path to PHP has always a trailing slash or the php_wincache.dll is not installed to your PHP\ext folder, but somewhere else!

The complete command is:

msiexec /i wincachewpi-\wincache73x64wpi.msi PHPPATH=C:\PHP\ IACCEPTWINDOWSCACHEFORPHPLICENSETERMS="Yes" /q

  • 12.07.2019 Created documentation.
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