How to cleanup ShoreTel Call Recorder recordings after specified time

If you are running ShoreTels Call Recorder you may notice that Call Recorder will fill up your disk over time. There are thousands of files created over time and I guess you do not like to remove them manually. Also for privacy reasons you need to delete them after some time based on your needs or law requirements. ShoreTel Call Recorder itself has no cleanup feature implemented.

I filed a feature request, but there are no plans to add it. Maybe it's these grab everything you can and never delete it mentality as you cannot know if you may be able to use or sell it some days, but I don't know. That's at least not the way how we understand data protection and privacy of our customers. Call recordings are allowed to use as quality assurance tool and to help the agent to optimize their selling activities in trainings just as one example. It's not allowed to use this outcomes to evaluate an agent performance in feedback discussions.

We have implemented the following storage settings just in case you need to understand the folder structure that is cleaned up by the below script.

The below script can be executed by a scheduled task to cleanup the folders automatically. It can run on a daily basis on the server. You just need to specify the folder where your recordings are saved and the time range after you'd like to delete the files and folders. The 120 are the days after the files and folders are wiped from disk. This script will delete folders that are older than 120 days including all files in the folder. Therefore you will not end with stale date or agent name folders if an agent may left the company.


FORFILES /p "D:\Call Recordings" /S /D -120 /C "cmd /c IF @isdir == TRUE RD /S /Q @path"


  • 01/03/2013: Created documentation
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