FastStone Capture MSI package for Enterprise deployment is available

This is a note for all others searching for a FastStone Capture version that can be deployed in Enterprise via Active Directory. I'm not an employee of FastStone Soft, but I've created a full-fledged per Machine MSI setup for them to make FastStone Capture deployable via Active Directory. If you'd like to push it out to your users desktops - it's available now. No need to wrap suxxx NSIS installer into an MSI any longer.

It was me a pleasure to help these guys and they are currently doing their in-house testing, but as these guys have been proven to be are really open minded and thankful - I'm sure they are able to provide you the new MSI setup before it get's published on their site in future. I cannot publish the setup here as this is not Open Source.

Faststone features

These are the setup features that have been implemented and can be enabled/disabled via transforms:

  • Start Menu shortcuts
  • Desktop shortcuts
  • Startup shortcut
  • Custom pre-configuration
  • Automatic upgrade from previous NSIS setups
  • Automatic upgrade over existing versions in future (no uninstall required)

Versions available: 6.9+

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